In The What If Scenario

David Frost // Blog, Market Outlook


December 19  

Since we're in uncharted waters for most traders, let's go a little deeper.

First, keep in mind that a daily close above Wednesday's high will suspend the downside probabilities in the short term.

Second, if markets do continue lower - here's the game plan...

Stay safe and don't be a cowboy or cowgirl.  

Wait for the market to put in the low so we have something tangible to trade against.

The bottom could come in much lower than conventional wisdom would believe.  You never know.

In the event the trap door opens, and stocks go on red tag sale - we need numbers.

Each chart below contains one number.  We have no idea if these prices will come into view anytime soon, but why not have them in our back pocket?

Disclaimer:  They seem ridiculous [now] and may never happen

Keep in mind, IF any of these stocks reach any of these numbers (or lower) in the next few days, almost nobody will be a buyer. It will feel like the world is ending. 

Wherever the market decides to find the bottom, all these stocks will rally along with the entire world.

About the Author

Trading and investing in markets is second nature to some, but a mystery to others. The goal is to provide a forum where everyday people aspiring to be part time or full time traders will learn how view markets differently and profit beyond their wildest dreams.

David Frost