Anyone who purchases a course or monthly subscription find immediate value and benefit from the information, strategies and techniques. As a result, it should be crystal clear, there are NO refunds.
You should recognize that investing and trading is a long term process, not a get rich quick scheme, it takes work.
To remove yourself from monthly subscription auto renewals and cancel the subscription service, please log in to the website and process the cancellation. Legacy members must either use the “contact us” page here or send an email directly to david (at)
Any termination request made after the beginning of a billing cycle will be processed to end before the next billing cycle begins. In other words, if you cancel a day after you’re billed, there are no refunds, you won’t be billed the following month.
It’s not a matter of being difficult or harsh, it’s the policy that exists and if you are unsure about any purchase, please wait until you are 100% comfortable to make the purchase. If you’re worried about cancelling before the end of a billing cycle – put a reminder in your phone.
Subscription Cancellation Policy: As stated above, you must cancel any recurring monthly charges before the start of the next billing cycle, there are no partial or full refunds of recurring charges. Period.
Course Refund Policy: There are no refunds. Period.